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I started writing when I was 22, while in the early stages of sobriety. Writing poetry became a way for me to express myself.

One of my therapist actually enjoyed reading my poetry and told me I should look more into it. I didn’t know anything about writing or publishing at that time but I love learning new things, so I started researching different poetry forms and joined a few writing sites. After I started posting my poetry and receiving feedback, that was when I began tinkering with the idea of becoming a writer.

I’m a discovery writer (pantser). When I get an idea for a story, it unfolds like a movie preview (I have no better way of saying that). I’ll get glimpses of the beginning and the end. The middle of the story (or as I like to call it the journey to the end) unfolds as I write.

As for writing, I try to keep a schedule – writing Monday through Friday – and my daily goal is 2,000 words.
I taught myself archery during the pandemic and fell in love with it. I’d like to try a crossbow. Other avenues keep me busy as well – making music and managing my business. I also love gardening and have been doing so for six years.

Everywhere – movies, real life events, history, art. Sometimes things just pop into my head.

I prefer to write between 8am and noon. That doesn’t mean I stick to only that time, as I’ve written in the evening and am known for waking up in the middle of the night to write. But that’s my preferred time.

Write, write, write. The more you do something, the better you get at it. Know who you are as a writer and be true to that. And most importantly read. Read everything, it doesn’t just have to be the genre you write in.
